Nguyen Le Quang

contact me on twitter, github or via email

Software Engineer focusing on distributed system.

About me

I started on my journey in the blockchain space as a Front-end developer at Kyber Network. In Kyber I've had a couple years experiences developing several Dapp, one production-ready product is KyberSwap. Then I took responsibility to develop and maintain the KyberNetwork API and some Kyber's internal systems. I found myself shifting from a Front-end dev to a Back-end dev and I know I have a lot of things to improve to become a better engineer. At the end of 2021, I left Kyber to work for my startup, which is a Social game Dapp. I took part in the smart contract development for NFT and marketplace, I also took charge of game stacks deployment on AWS. Althought the product is deployed on testnet, we have some users but due to the lack of marketing and BD parts, we cannot raise an enough amount of fund to operate. After that, I worked as a freelancer for a client to research and develop some Defi-related system, using Foundry as my main tool-kit to develop, test and deploy from small to complex smart contracts. I started learning Rust from mid 2022 and I completely in love with that. At the moment, I'm working myself on ethereum core tooling, Rust related projects and learning more about ZK and distributed systems.

I also write down my learning sometimes on my blog. Feel free to check it out.